Maximise your impact in the fight against climate change.

Your work in Local Government tackling the climate crisis is demanding, but crucially important. By Investing in yourself you'll be able to deliver your best work. Build your self-awareness, get clarity on your goals and grow both personally and professionally.  Achieve all of this in a way you can sustain for the long-term.


Hi, I'm Richard. I work in Local Government and I'm also a professional coach.


Collaborating on your growth

Coaching can be a transformative process. You’ll go on a journey through three phases of awareness, clarity and growth.

1. Awareness

You'll explore all areas of your life and consider how you’re nurturing what is important to you.

2. Clarity

You'll clearly define your goals, creating a road map of how you can get to where you want to be.

3. Growth

You'll observe your progress, as you stack one success onto the next your confidence will increase.

Find out more about my coaching

We have two lives and the second begins when we realise we only have one.


My journey

After 16 years as an Officer in the Royal Air Force I made a leap into the unknown and launched a new start-up business. After 18 months I finally accepted I was failing. But the experience gave me clarity on my purpose. I pivoted into local government and spent the next 10 years building a new team to help tackle climate change. And then a new coaching chapter began. 

Read my story

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